Accelerate - Chapter Notes: Part 1

One of my current goals as an executive is to empower my team and build a high performance engineering organization. As a company, we have embarked upon our Continuous Delivery journey and are always looking for ways to improve and grow. As engineering leaders, we are aware that Agile methodologies and DevOps principles can have a huge impact on our teams and organizations.

However, improving technology, culture, communication, and teams is a constant process and comes with a myriad of challenges opportunities. What changes should we focus on, how do we get everyone involved, what benefits should we expect? How do we do it?

With the intent to answer these questions and implement a “plan of attack” for my team and organization, I am currently reading “Accelerate”. Below are my notes, gut reactions, and a few “notes to self” from each chapter in Part 1. Think of this as Cliff Ajahne Notes :).

Table of Contents:

Forward by Martin Fowler

  • Speed depends on stability
    • Good IT gives you both
  • Westrum-generative organizational culture?
  • This book focuses on the journey from commit to production, not the entire software development process

Forward by Courtney Kissler

  • Optimize for speed
  • Focus on the right things to measure
  • Focus the move to outcome based team structures
  • Limit blast radius (start with 1 or 2 teams)
  • Use data to drive actions
  • Doesn’t happen overnight
  • Need senior leadership support

Chapter 1: Accelerate

  • Techniques that accelerate technology transformations: CI, CD, lean practices, collaborative culture
  • Executives overestimate how much DevOps the org is doing, those doing it do not
  • (Assume) potential for growth and enhanced value delivery is greater than executives currently realize
  • Focus on capabilities over maturity model
  • Follow a continuous improvement paradigm
  • Best companies never consider themselves “mature” or “done”
  • Teams have their goals, content, way of doing things. What we should focus on depends on those things. Not one size fits all.
  • Focus on key outcomes
  • Industry is always changing. What is good now, is no longer good enough in a year
  • Focus on the right capabilities
  • Never settle for yesterday’s accomplishments
  • Research showed that none of the following predicted performance: age and technology used for the application, whether operations or development team performed deployments, whether a change approval board is implemented
  • Do not trade speed for stability or vice versa

Chapter 2: Measuring Performance

  • Lines of code (LOC), velocity, and utilization are not good measures of productivity and high performance
    • LOC: more lines doesn’t equate to better software, it can lead to bloated code bases, too little means you might create code that’s unreadable (e.g. one liners)
    • Velocity: teams can game the system with story points. Say something is harder than truly is
    • Utilization: if everyone is at 100% no bandwidth to fix bugs, or switch to other tasks that might crop up. Once utilization gets too high there is no bandwidth for changes, unplanned work, improvement work.
  • Focus on outcomes not output, focus on a global outcome
  • Optimize for: deployment frequency, lead time for changes, Mean Time To Restore (MTTR), change failure rate
  • High performing teams continue to get better each year

Chapter 3: Measuring and Changing Culture

  • Organizational culture can exist at three levels in organizations: basic assumptions, values, and artifacts (pg 29)
  • Can culture predict software delivery performance? Authors (findings) say yes.
  • They found that Westrum Organizational culture predicts software delivery performance and organizational performance
  • Companies with safer environments and better communication perform better
  • Investigations that stop at “human error” are not just bad, but dangerous. Human error should instead be the start of the investigation
  • Goal is to improve information flow, so people have more timely/better information or to find better tools to help prevent catastrophic failures following apparently mundane operations
  • You can act your way to a better culture by implementing lean management and continuous delivery
  • Culture change: instead of changing people’s mind, first change what they do

Chapter 4: Technical Practices

  • Continuous Delivery: enabler of more frequent, higher quality, and lower-risk software releases
  • Agile has management/team and technical practices, need to ensure you are doing all
  • Definition of continuous delivery is outstanding (p42-43)
  • Build quality in, work in small batches, computers perform repetitive tasks; people solve problems, relentlessly pursue continuous improvement, everyone is responsible
  • A key goal of CD is changing the economics of software delivery so the cost of pushing out individual changes is very low
  • A key objective for management: Set measurable, achievable, time-bound goals for your outcomes (i.e. the outcomes of CD), help the team work towards them
  • Note to self: change definition of done - done does not mean dev complete, done means all tests are written and code passes all tests (add documentation too?)
  • To implement CD, we need a foundation of:
    • comprehensive configuration management(provision, build, and deploy purely based on what we have in version control),
    • CI (build in small branches, integrate to trunk/master frequently, each change triggers a build process),
    • and continuous testing (integral part, test from the beginning)
  • Need to implement a deployment pipeline
  • Teams that did well with CD, identified more strongly with the org they worked for
  • Goal: deploy to production on demand, anyone
  • Desired outcome: teams can deploy to production on demand; fast feedback on the quality and deployability is available to everyone in the team
  • Investments in technology are also investments in people
  • CD makes work more sustainable (less deployment pain, less burnout)
  • Keeping system and application configuration in version control is more correlated to software delivery performance than keeping application code in version control
  • Have automated tests that are reliable

Chapter 5: Architecture

  • Focus on deployability and testability
  • We can do most of our testing without requiring an integrated environment (i.e. staging)
  • We can deploy or release our app independent of other services it depends on
  • Systems must be loosely coupled: that is, can be changed and validated independently of each other
  • Pg 62 has nice breakdown of loosely coupled architecture
  • Note to self: require minimum communication between teams for deployment
  • Whoa this is so true, I’ve read it before, but now I see it: “organizations which designs systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structure of the organization”
  • Goal: architecture should support the ability of teams to get their work done - from design to deployment - without requiring high-bandwidth communication between teams
  • Metric: number of deploys per day per developer (let’s get this up)
  • Factors that predict high delivery performance:
    • goal-oriented generative culture
    • modular architecture
    • CD
    • effective leadership
  • Explore this: allow teams to choose their own tools (mostly teams do, but what about standard languages? Ahhh, standardize the language within the team, less about cross-team)
  • Architects should focus on engineers and outcomes, not tools and technologies
  • Tools and technologies must help people achieve outcomes and enable behaviors we care about

Chapter 6: Integrating Infosec into the Delivery Lifecycle

  • Note to self: Get developers familiar with OWASP Top 10 and how to prevent them
  • Research shows building security into software development not only improves delivery performance, but also improves security quality
  • Have security reviews conducted for all major features - in such a way that doesn’t slow down development process (how do we do this?)
  • Infosec experts should be part of entire process from the beginning: design, attend and provide feedback on demos, ensure security features are tested as part of the automated test suite
  • Infosec needs to provide training, developers have to be aware of security issues
  • Be “Rugged”

The Rugged Movement

Chapter 7: Management Practices for Software

  • Note to self: check out the lean software development book series
  • Lean management: limit work in progress (what is this?), visual management, feedback from production, lightweight change approvals
  • Note to self: we do have visual displays (Kanban), but no info on quality and productivity, failures or defect rates
  • N2S: look up better visual displays
  • Lean management decreases burnout, leads to a more generative culture, and improves software delivery performance
  • Limiting WIP (looked it up) is about reducing the current work in progress to focus the team, reduce team overload, reduce context switching, locate bottlenecks faster
  • Approval by an external body does not correlate with any increased stability of production systems - it slows things down, shown to be worse than having no change approval process at all
  • Recommendation: use lightweight change approval process based on peer review, combined with a deployment pipeline to detect and reject bad changes
  • Note to self: breakdown what needs review and what does not
  • Deployment pipeline is mission critical
  • Change acceptance board is risk management theatre

Chapter 8: Product Development

  • Most agile is faux agile
  • Lean emphasizes testing product design and business model by performing user feedback frequently
  • Take an experimental approach to product development - build and validate prototypes from the beginning, work in small batches, evolve and pivot business models early and often
  • Slice products and features into small batches that can be released in a week
  • Do teams have a good understanding of the flow of work from business to the customers
  • Actively and regularly seek customer feedback
  • Do development teams have the authority to create and change specifications as part of development process - make flow of work through the delivery process visible to everyone

Chapter 9: Making Work Sustainable

  • Deployment pain: fear and anxiety related to pushing code to production
  • Findings: where code deployments are most painful, you’ll find the poorest software delivery performance, organizational performance, and culture
  • Technical practices that improve our ability to deliver software with both speed and stability also reduce the stress and anxiety associated with pushing to production
  • Remove manual steps
  • Work to reduce burnout
  • Employees have both a duty of care and fiduciary obligation to ensure staff do not get burned out
  • Burnout can be prevented, reversed
  • Ensure work is meaningful and ensure employees understand how their own work ties to strategic objectives
  • Managers often fix the employee while ignoring the environment (guilty)
  • Foster safe environment that emphasizes learning from failure over blaming; communicate a strong sense of purpose; invest in employee development; ask employees what is preventing them from reaching objectives and fixing those things; give employee time, space, and resources to experiment and learn; employees must have authority to make decisions that affect their work and their jobs, particularly in areas where they are responsible for the outcomes
  • Improving technical practices reduce burnout
  • Human error is never the root cause of failure in systems
  • Five factors most correlated to burnout: organizational culture; deployment pain; effectiveness of leaders; organizational investment in devops; organizational performance
  • Team leader: limit work in process, eliminate roadblocks
  • Implement weekly experimentation time (how can we implement this?)
  • Organizational and individual values must align

Chapter 10: Employee Satisfaction, Identity, and Engagement

  • Loyal employees are more engaged and do their best work
  • When employees see the connection between the work they do and it’s positive impact on customers, they identify more strongly with the company’s purpose
  • eNPS - employee Net Promoter Score
  • CD creates a virtuous cycle - investments in technology and resources make the work better for our people, which makes them more motivated, identifying with the organization more, leading to move development - help reduce burnout
  • Ensure people have tools and resources to do their job
  • Automate menial tasks (performance monitoring, deployment, testing)
  • Diversity matters
  • Create an inclusive organization; all organizational members feel welcome and valued for who they are and what they bring to the table
  • As a leader watch for (and address) harassment, microagressions, and unequal pay

Chapter 10

Chapter 11: Leaders and Managers

  • Leadership doesn’t mean you have people reporting to you on an organizational chart - leadership is about inspiring and motivating those around you
  • 5 characteristics of a transformational leader: vision, inspirational communication, intellectual stimulation, supportive leadership, personal recognition
  • Transformative leadership vs servant leadership
  • Transformative leadership helps drive high performing teams
  • Leaders cannot achieve goals on their own
  • Leadership helps build great teams, great technology, and great organizations - indirectly enables teams to rearchitect their systems and implement the necessary continuous delivery (and lean management) practices
  • Transformational leadership enables the practices that correlate with high performance
  • Invest in DevOps
  • Make deployments less painful
  • Connect strategic objectives of the business to the work teams do
  • Make performance metrics visible and align these with organizational goals
  • Delegate more authority to employees
  • Knowledge is power and give it (power) to those who have knowledge
  • Pg 123 has concrete ways to invest in your team
  • Real value of a leader is amplifying the work of their teams
  • Enable cross-functional collaboration: build trust with counterparts in other teams, encourage people to move between departments, actively seek and reward work that facilitates collaboration
  • Create a climate of learning: budget for books and conferences, make it safe to fail, lunch and learn, share with demo days
  • Make effective use of tools: teams should choose their tools, make monitoring a priority

More “Chapter Notes”
